ngsunyu 发表于 2020-11-12 09:56

《极限三部曲》文章诚征1910年之前极限明信片之前驱品 (precursors)。

本帖最后由 ngsunyu 于 2020-11-15 00:52 编辑

《极限三部曲》第一篇,《Maximaphily Ancestry: a retrospective study of three first parental generation maximum card precursor families》中文翻译为《极限遗传学:三大家族》。是用英语写,因为太长(>15800字)我无法翻译。 25图 (1872年 ~ 1913年戳)。

三大家族之一为 徽章极限:

极限历史展集只有几人去做, Daryl, George, Ronald, 沈国平。如何翻译 沈国平 或 为匿名中国参展家Chinese exhibitor? 我没有显示沈国平展品图片。


祈年殿明信片有没有贴1897年Imperial Chinese Post 蟠龙票?


我没有兴趣购买。 我不收集这家族。


Since the Nov 9, 1872 cancelled precursor has the first stamp type and the Aug 24, 1872 cancelled precursor has the second stamp type (Figure 1), it is the latter who has the superior claim, about nine years later, as the earliest example of the first parental generation maximum card precursors based on postcards imprinted with German Empire imperial eagle. This first precursor, as one of the milestones in maximaphily, forever will be associated with Ronald van der Leeden (1958~2020) in memoriam.

FIGURE 1.Photo at an Exhibition (Campionato Europeo di Maximafilia 2017). This photo was taken showing the second page from the top award-winning exhibit 《Early Development of Maximaphily 1872~1935: A European Tour》 by Ronald van der Leeden (1958~2020). This Deutsche ReichsPost Postkarte was imprinted with the German Empire imperial eagle concordant with the embossed German Empire imperial eagle with large shield (grober Brustschild with the House of Hohenzollern coat of arms) on the stamp. This postcard was sent from Hannover to Bremen on August 24, 1872. Hannover (Hanover in English) was the capital of the Kingdom of Hanover (Königreich Hannover in German, 1814~1866) before becoming a Prussian Province after the Austro-Prussian War followed by unification of the German Empire (Deutsches Kaiserreich in German) in 1871. Distance between the two cities is about 113 km.

ngsunyu 发表于 2020-11-12 10:01

本帖最后由 ngsunyu 于 2020-11-14 09:05 编辑

三大家族之二为 王室极限:


谁有恩里克王子(葡萄牙語:Infante D. Henrique)1894年3月4日 波尔图(葡萄牙語:Porto)生日戳?
I used Wikipedia translation 恩里克王子 instead of 葡萄牙航海享利王子.

1894 年 恩里克王子 可分为两种:官制 (60 枚生日戳 ) 和私制 (实寄但不是生日戳).


How many postcards were made with the 13 stamps of Infante D. Henrique:
They were made with various rates, namely low rates, the quantities being unknown. This PM and Santo António, appear in IP that were sent abroad (except Spain) to complete the franchise and there may be some copies with high rates that are not known. There were also those who put several stamps of different rates on the same postcard (see image) just as a souvenir. (Fig. 1 and 2).

Postcards were issued by Correios de Portugal. First those of Infante D. Henrique and then those of Santo António. Like the 1st Day stamp for Lisbon, a total of 60 copies were issued by decree to be sent together with the issue to all district capitals existing at the time in Portugal.

About the 60 postmarks issued by Infante D. Henrique:
It is known that they were distributed together with the issue to all the capitals of the district of Portugal, which at the time were 17. District of Setúbal did not exist, it only went into this category in 1926 and the district of Lamego was extinct and became Viseu. Thus, in 1894 Continental Portugal had the following district capitals:

Insular Portugal:
Madeira: FUNCHAL

The rest are in Angola? Mozambique? Portuguese India? Capo Verde? Portuguese Guinea? Macau? Portuguese Timor?

官制 (60 枚生日戳之一 ) 1894 年 恩里克王子是图6。

谁有1898年瓦斯科·達·伽馬(葡萄牙語:Vasco da Gama)?

谁有1897年维多利亚女王(英語:Queen Victoria)?



谁有弗朗茨·約瑟夫一世(德語:Franz Josef I)?



谁有维托里奥·埃马努埃莱三世(意大利語:Vittorio Emanuele) 与蒙特內哥羅公國埃萊娜公主1896年成亲(Nozze Savoia Petrovich)明信片贴 萨伏依(意大利語:Savoia) 国徽票? 以下是错贴瑞士国徽票。

One interesting commemorative postcard, issued to celebrate the wedding between Victor Emmanuel III, Prince of Naples (before accession as King of Italy) and Princess Elena of Montenegro, on Oct 24, 1896. This Nozze Savoia Petrovich (Nozze in Italian as in Le nozze di Figaro by Mozart) postcard has images of the royal couple and the coat of arms of both royal families. I cannot find any precursor franked with 1896 issued coat of arms of Savoy (Savoia in Italian) stamp (except on commemorative "Sempre avanti Savoja"postcards issued a few days before the wedding) and Victor Emmanuel III stamp was issued in 1901 only after his accession as King of Italy in 1900. Instead this postcard was franked by a Swiss "Kreuz und Wertziffer" (Cross and Number in English) stamp and mailed from Göschenen, Switzerland to Milan (Milano in Italian), Italy in 1897. The imperfect concordance here is the white cross on red field shared between Swiss and Savoy (also shared with knights of Malta and Denmark) coat of arms, both being based on a crusader flag. Please note that there are subtle differences among the crosses, for example, the Swiss cross arms are equal in length, whereas the Savoy cross has longer vertical arms.


我没有兴趣购买。 我不收集这家族。

ngsunyu 发表于 2020-11-12 10:12

本帖最后由 ngsunyu 于 2020-11-12 10:26 编辑

我收集这被忽略了的家族。 撰写本文时,我购买了家族的七成。
这家族大约有 100名成员,1889年到1910年。

胡斌 发表于 2020-11-12 10:50


雪巅苍狼 发表于 2020-11-12 21:27


ngsunyu 发表于 2020-11-13 01:01

本帖最后由 ngsunyu 于 2020-11-14 00:49 编辑

ngsunyu 发表于 2020-11-12 10:12
我收集这被忽略了的家族。 撰写本文时,我购买了家族的七成。
这 ...


埃及金字塔 属于第三家族分支。

猜错之一, 第三家族最早的是1887 或1889 年戳。金字塔最早的是1890年的开罗戳。对不起,亚历山大港和塞得港是私生子,都被排除在家族外。

This topic is open to debate. My rationale is based on the six conserved elements which I have identified for this family. Conserved element #2 is highly specific location concordance for each and every postmark. That clearly disqualified Alexandria (202 km),Port Said (201 km) and many other post offices.
Pre1900 is no excuse. In fact probably there are more post offices then than there is now.

猜错之二, 金字塔可能接近一千枚,不是只有一百枚左右。

猜错之三,我不可能三个月内买了金字塔 之 70%。

第二篇和第三篇都是埃及。 大纲和问题都在等待翻译,而我正忙于写第三篇。

ngsunyu 发表于 2020-11-15 00:05

本帖最后由 ngsunyu 于 2020-11-15 01:54 编辑

《极限三部曲》第二篇,《Cairo hotel maxicard analytics》中文翻译为 《金字塔极限之谜上集》。是用英语写,因为太长(>6600字)我无法翻译。 11图 (1891年 ~ 2004年戳)。

关于第一枚极限片诞生故事的传统说法如下:一位旅行埃及的遊客,為了給在法國的朋友捎個音訊,在一個偶然的機會下,買了枚金字塔風景明信片,同時將金字塔郵票貼在图案面上,寄了出去,写了法文 Timbre côté vue或 TCV在明信片的地址那面, 告诉郵務員郵資已付,表明邮票貼在明信片的图案面上, 请盖邮戳在邮票上。於是就无意形成了一枚金字塔极限明信片 (例子请参阅埃及金字塔搜奇第49枚1908年开罗戳金字塔极限片与请参阅金字塔 — 人类最伟大的石质建筑第二楼的1913年金字塔群戳金字塔极限片)。

在《Cairo hotel maxicard analytics》中文翻译为 《金字塔极限之谜上集》, 我们提供的证据表明上述故事是胡说八道(找借口不去找证据)。证据揭示了有三个因素存在。

第一个因素在很大程度上决定了最早的TCV(票贴图案面)的形成。 在没有第一个因素的情况下 (多是在1900年以后), 数据分析(1900年至1910年)可以证明第二个因素对 TCV(票贴图案面)产生的影响。 最后第三个因素决定了哪一枚TCV是极限明信片之前驱品, 哪一枚TCV不是极限明信片之前驱品。 请等待全文。

诚征1891年之前 Shepheard’s Hotel 戳盖金字塔票。阿米尔有1891年。1891年 是图3。

诚征1892年之前 Hotel du Nil 明信片贴金字塔票。我有两枚 1892年和一枚 1893年。 阿米尔有1894年。1892年 Hotel du Nil 是图2。1893年请参阅1893年尼罗河酒店 (Hotel du Nil) 明信片。

诚征1893年之前 Continental Hotel 明信片贴金字塔票。阿兰有1892年。

诚征1895年之前 Hotel Bristol 明信片贴金字塔票。阿兰有1895年。

诚征 Hotel Bristol TCV(票贴图案面)。下图是合成品。

ngsunyu 发表于 2020-11-15 00:12

本帖最后由 ngsunyu 于 2020-11-15 00:15 编辑

诚征 Bavaria 啤酒屋TCV(票贴图案面)。下图是合成品。

诚征 Hotel Aug Gorff 啤酒屋 TCV(票贴图案面)。

ngsunyu 发表于 2020-11-15 00:17

本帖最后由 ngsunyu 于 2020-11-15 00:20 编辑

诚征Souvenir du Caire (Müller & Trüb 明信片) TCV(票贴图案面)。下图是合成品。


ngsunyu 发表于 2021-11-15 03:40

本帖最后由 ngsunyu 于 2021-11-15 03:47 编辑

上周拍卖(非ebay 或 delcampe),我低估了其他投标者的预算。 1872年德意志第二帝国大鹰徽章徽章票大鹰盾徽章邮政卡 (大鹰盾徽章中第一个早,前驱品中第?早)。起拍300欧元我觉得已经太高了,但最终有人出价 540欧元 . 但是因为我也有出价369欧元,我得到了大扫描可用于我将要修改的第一章。

ngsunyu 发表于 2021-11-15 04:01

本帖最后由 ngsunyu 于 2021-11-15 04:58 编辑

上周拍卖(非ebay 或 delcampe),我低估了其他投标者的预算。 27枚瑞士酒店明信片或信封,但只有一枚算是极限前驱品。起拍100 瑞士法郎我觉得買了26枚没用的东西已经太貴了,但是最终有人出价1600瑞士法郎。
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查看完整版本: 《极限三部曲》文章诚征1910年之前极限明信片之前驱品 (precursors)。