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摩納哥大獎賽 (Grand Prix de Monaco)

 楼主| 发表于 2019-9-2 00:01 | 显示全部楼层
1948年摩納哥大奖赛由朱塞佩·法里纳(Giuseppe Farina)驾驶瑪莎拉蒂 Maserati 4CLT獲勝。

瑪莎拉蒂(Maserati)是一家知名意大利賽車與跑車生產商,於1914年在波隆那成立。意大利戰爭時期瑪莎拉蒂中止生產汽車以努力生產零件。 和平恢復後瑪莎拉蒂重新製作汽車,在戰後的賽車場上表現良好。(zh.wikipedia.org/瑪莎拉蒂)

Key people joined the Maserati team. Alberto Massimino, a former Fiat engineer with both Alfa Romeo and Ferrari experience, oversaw the design of all racing models for the next ten years. With him joined engineers Giulio Alfieri, Vittorio Bellentani, and Gioacchino Colombo. The focus was on the best engines and chassis to succeed in car racing. These new projects saw the last contributions of the Maserati brothers, who, after their 10-year contract with Orsi expired, went on to form O.S.C.A.. This new team at Maserati worked on several projects: the 4CLT, the A6 series, the 8CLT, and, pivotally for the future success of the company, the A6GCS. (en.wikipedia.org/Maserati)

The Maserati 4CL and its derived sister model the Maserati 4CLT are single-seat racing cars that were designed and built by Maserati. The 4CL was introduced at the beginning of the 1939 season, as a rival to the Alfa Romeo 158 and various ERAmodels in the voiturette class of international Grand Prix motor racing. Although racing ceased during World War II, the 4CL was one of the front running models at the resumption of racing in the late 1940s. Experiments with two-stage superchargingand tubular chassis construction eventually led to the introduction of the revised 4CLT model in 1948.

Chassis and engine changes made to the experimental 4CLs eventually coalesced into the 4CLT, the appended T denoting its tubular chassis. The improvements in torsional rigidity that the tubular construction brought were required to counteract the increases in torque and power resulting from the twin-supercharger upgrade of the elderly inline-4 engine. Power was up to approximately 260 bhp (194 kW), from the 4CL's 220. Other changes included the use of roller bearings for the crankshaft, forged (rather than cast) rear suspension components, and the chassis was designed to run with hydraulic dampers from the outset. (en.wikipedia.org/Maserati 4CL and 4CLT)

朱塞佩·法里纳(意大利語:Giuseppe Farina,1906年10月30日~1966年6月30日),出生于意大利都灵,是一位一级方程式赛车手,因为其「straight-arm」的驾驶风格而留名于赛车歷史上。法里纳是第一位获得一级方程式车手世界冠军荣誉的车手。1966年因车祸于萨伏伊去世。

法里纳出生于意大利都灵,绰号"尼诺",法里纳是在都灵经营车辆修理厂的乔瓦尼·法里纳的儿子且是知名汽车和建筑设计师菲尼·法里纳(英语:Pinin Farina)的侄子。他在都灵大学获得了法学博士学位,之后为意大利军队效力。一开始是骑兵军官,之后在第二次世界大战中,他升任坦克军团团长。

法里纳的赛车生涯并非一帆风顺,毕业之后他加入了了玛莎拉蒂车队(英语:Maserati in motorsport)。但是直到他加入阿尔法·罗密欧车队,作为塔齐奥·努沃拉里的二号车手,他的赛车事业才开始蓬勃发展。20世纪30年代末期,他无数次地赢下微型赛车比赛,连续3年(1937–1939) 确保了他在意大利的冠军地位。之后,他参加了他赛车生涯中的第一次重大比赛--1940年利比亚的黎波里大奖赛(英语:Tripoli Grand Prix),并且最终赢下了该场赛事。但是不幸的是,他刚刚达到事业的巅峰时,第二次世界大战爆发了,八年之后他才赢得下一场主要赛事。

战后,法里纳加入了私人车队玛莎拉蒂车队(英语:Maserati in motorsport),他赢下了1948年摩纳哥大奖赛了一场胜利。(zh.wikipedia.org/朱塞佩·法里纳)

这枚是我能找到唯一的1948年摩納哥大獎賽的 朱塞佩·法里纳(Giuseppe Farina) 的第30号 瑪莎拉蒂 Maserati 4CLT的明信片。谁可以找到这枚明信片? 我们需要明信片因为在1929年摩纳哥大奖赛庆祝一百周年。

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 楼主| 发表于 2019-9-3 00:55 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 ngsunyu 于 2019-9-3 02:24 编辑

1950年摩納哥大奖赛由胡安·曼努埃尔·范吉奥(Juan Manuel Fangio)驾驶愛快·罗密欧 Alfa Romeo 158獲勝。

The Alfa Romeo 158/159, also known as the Alfetta (Little Alfa in Italian), is a Grand Prix racing car produced by Italian manufacturer Alfa Romeo. It is one of the most successful racing cars ever produced- the 158 and its derivative, the 159, took 47 wins from 54 Grands Prix entered. It was originally developed for the pre-World War II voiturette formula (1937) and has a 1.5-litre straight-8 supercharged engine.  The main responsibility for engineering was given to Gioacchino Colombo. Following World War II, the car was eligible for the new Formula One introduced in 1947.  The new rules allowed 1500 cc supercharged and 4500 cc naturally aspirated engines. The 158 was modified again, this time to produce over 300 bhp (220 kW) and was denoted as Tipo 158/47. In the hands of drivers such as Nino Farina, Juan-Manuel Fangio and Luigi Fagioli, it dominated the first two seasons of the World Championship of Drivers. (en.wikipedia.org/Alfa Romeo 158/159 Alfetta)

胡安·曼纽尔·方吉奥(西班牙語:Juan Manuel Fangio,1911年6月24日-1995年7月15日),是世界聞名的義大利裔阿根廷賽車手,五屆一級方程式賽車(F1)年度冠軍。方吉奥在F1競賽剛創立的前十年主宰了賽場,他五度贏得F1年度冠軍的紀錄一直維持了46年,直到2003年時麥可·舒馬克打破這個記錄。方吉奥先後5次分别代表阿尔法·罗密欧、瑪莎拉蒂、賓士和法拉利四支不同的車隊獲得了F1比赛的車手總冠軍,至今仍是個創舉。



这枚是我能找到唯一的1950年摩納哥大獎賽的  胡安·曼努埃尔·范吉奥(Juan Manuel Fangio) 的第34号 的愛快·罗密欧 Alfa Romeo 158 明信片。谁可以找到或印出这楼层的明信片? 我们需要明信片因为在1929年摩纳哥大奖赛庆祝一百周年。

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 楼主| 发表于 2019-9-3 00:57 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 ngsunyu 于 2019-9-3 02:44 编辑

1950年摩納哥大奖赛海报明信片。摩納哥郵政在2011年1月12日发行这一枚郵票,为了庆祝 胡安·曼努埃尔·范吉奥(Juan Manuel Fangio) 出生100周年。

愛快·罗密欧汽车博物馆离米兰2015年 世博会不远。在博物馆内你可以看到许多愛快·罗密欧赛车。
Museo Storico Alfa Romeo (Alfa Romeo Historical Museum; subsequently called Museo Alfa Romeo - La macchina del tempo, literally Alfa Romeo Museum - The time machine) is Alfa Romeo's official museum, located in Arese (Milan), and displaying a permanent collection of Alfa Romeo cars and engines. (en.m.wikipedia.org/Alfa Romeo Museum)

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 楼主| 发表于 2019-9-4 00:06 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 ngsunyu 于 2019-9-4 00:35 编辑

1955年摩納哥大奖赛由莫里斯·特罕狄釀(Maurice Trintignant)驾驶法拉利Ferrari 625獲勝。

The 1954 Formula One season brought new rules for 2.5 L engines; Ferrari's new car, designated the Ferrari Tipo 625, could barely compete against Fangio with the Maserati and then the Mercedes-Benz W196 which appeared in July. Ferrari had only two wins, González at the 1954 British Grand Prix and Mike Hawthorn at the 1954 Spanish Grand Prix. In the 1955 Formula One season Ferrari did no better, winning only the 1955 Monaco Grand Prix with driver Maurice Trintignant. (en.wikipedia.org/Scuderia Ferrari)

Maurice Bienvenu Jean Paul Trintignant (30 October 1917, in Sainte-Cécile-les-Vignes, Vaucluse – 13 February 2005, in Nîmes) was a motor racing driver and vintner from France. He competed in the Formula One World Championship for fourteen years, between 1950 and 1964, one of the longest careers in the early years of Formula One. During this time he also competed in sports car racing, including winning the 1954 24 Hours of Le Mans race. Following his retirement from the track Trintignant concentrated on the wine trade. (en.wikipedia.org/Maurice Trintignant)

这枚是我能找到唯一的1955年摩納哥大獎賽的 莫里斯·特罕狄釀(Maurice Trintignant) 的第44号 法拉利 Ferrari 625 的明信片。谁可以找到这两枚明信片之一? 我们需要明信片因为在1929年摩纳哥大奖赛庆祝一百周年。


祝贺夏尔·勒克莱尔(法语:Charles Leclerc)赢得F1生涯中首场冠军。
悼念F2赛车手安托万·于贝尔(法語:Anthoine Hubert)在比利时站的斯帕-弗朗科尔尚赛道上不幸发生车祸身亡,年仅22岁。

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 楼主| 发表于 2019-9-5 01:09 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 ngsunyu 于 2019-9-5 01:12 编辑

1957年摩納哥大奖赛由胡安·曼努埃尔·范吉奥(Juan Manuel Fangio)驾驶瑪莎拉蒂 Maserati 250F獲勝。

The Maserati 250F was a racing car made by Maserati of Italy used in '2.5 litre' Formula One racing between January 1954 and November 1960. Twenty-six examples were made.

The 250F principally used the SSG 220 bhp (@ 7400 rpm) 2.5-litre Maserati A6 straight-six engine, ribbed 13.4" drum brakes, wishbone independent front suspension and a De Dion tube axle. It was built by Gioacchino Colombo, Vittorio Bellentani and Alberto Massimino; the tubular work was by Valerio Colotti.

In 1957 Juan Manuel Fangio drove to four more championship victories, including his legendary final win at German Grand Prix at the Nürburgring(Aug. 4, 1957), where he overcame a 48-second deficit in 22 laps, passing the race leader, Mike Hawthorn, on the final lap to take the win. In doing so he broke the lap record at the Nürburgring, 10 times. (en.wikipedia.org/Maserati 250F)

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 楼主| 发表于 2019-9-5 01:10 | 显示全部楼层
阿根廷邮票庆祝胡安·曼努埃尔·范吉奥(Juan Manuel Fangio)驾驶瑪莎拉蒂 Maserati 250F在 1957年德国大奖赛獲勝。但明信片是他在摩纳哥驾驶同一辆赛车。

胡安·曼纽尔·方吉奥(西班牙語:Juan Manuel Fangio,1911年6月24日-1995年7月15日),是世界聞名的義大利裔阿根廷賽車手,五屆一級方程式賽車(F1)年度冠軍。方吉奥在F1競賽剛創立的前十年主宰了賽場,他五度贏得F1年度冠軍的紀錄一直維持了46年,直到2003年時麥可·舒馬克打破這個記錄。方吉奥先後5次分别代表阿尔法·罗密欧、瑪莎拉蒂、賓士和法拉利四支不同的車隊獲得了F1比赛的車手總冠軍,至今仍是個創舉。



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 楼主| 发表于 2019-9-6 00:01 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 ngsunyu 于 2019-9-6 00:03 编辑

1958年摩納哥大奖赛由莫里斯·特罕狄釀(Maurice Trintignant)驾驶庫珀Cooper-Climax T45獲勝。

庫珀汽車公司(英语:Cooper Car Company)由查爾斯·庫珀(英语:Charles Cooper (motor manufacturer))和他的兒子約翰·庫珀(英语:John Cooper (car maker))成立於1946年。起初與約翰的兒時玩伴埃里克·布蘭登(英语:Eric Brandon)一起在查爾斯位於英格蘭薩里郡蘇別頓(英语:Surbiton)的小車庫裡建造賽車。1950年代到1960年代早期,他們因他們的後置引擎而接觸了賽車界的最高水平的賽事,改變了一級方程式和印第安納波利斯500的單人座賽車面貌,而他們的迷你庫珀更是稱霸於拉力賽。英國現在仍是一個興旺發達的賽車工業國家,一部份要歸功於庫珀的開創先鋒。(en.wikipedia.org/庫珀汽車公司)

According to John Cooper, the stroke of genius that would make the Coopers an automotive legend—the location of the engine behind the driver—was merely a practical matter at the time. Because the car was powered by a motorcycle engine, they believed it was more convenient to have the engine in the back, driving a chain. In fact there was nothing new about 'mid' engined racing cars but there is no doubt Coopers led the way in popularizing what was to become the dominant arrangement for racing cars.

Based on the 500-cc cars and powered by a modified Coventry Climax fire-pump engine, these cars were called "Bobtails". With the center of gravity closer to the middle of the car, they found it was less liable to spins and much more effective at putting the power down to the road, so they decided to build a single-seater version and began entering it in Formula 2 races.

With a modified Cooper 500 chassis, a T12 model, Cooper had its first taste of top-tier racing when Harry Schell qualified for the 1950 Monaco Grand Prix. Though Schell retired in the first lap, this marked the first appearance of a rear-engined racer at a Grand Prix event since the end of WWII.

Jack Brabham raised some eyebrows when he took sixth place at the 1957 Monaco Grand Prix in a rear-engined Formula 1 Cooper. When Stirling Moss won the 1958 Argentine Grand Prix in Rob Walker's privately entered Cooper and Maurice Trintignant duplicated the feat in the next race at Monaco, the racing world was stunned and a rear-engined revolution had begun. The next year, 1959, Brabham and the Cooper works team became the first to win the Formula One World Championship in a rear-engined car. Both team and driver repeated the feat in 1960, and every World Champion since has been sitting in front of his engine. (en.wikipedia.org/Cooper Car Company)

Coventry Climax was a British forklift truck, fire pump, racing, and other speciality engine manufacturer. In 1950, Harry Mundy (previously of Alvis, ERA, Morris and BRM) and Walter Hassan(previously employed by Bentley, ERA and Jaguar) joined Coventry Climax, and a new lightweight all-aluminium overhead camshaft engine was developed in response to the government's ambitious requisition outline asking for a portable fire pump that was capable of pumping double the amount of water specified in the previous outline, with half the weight.

This was designated the FW, for "Feather Weight". The engine was displayed at the Motor Show in London and attracted attention from the motor racing fraternity for its very high "horsepower per pound of weight". With strong persuasions at the show including those by Cyril Kieft (who had Stirling Moss as a F3 driver) and a young Colin Chapman, Lee concluded that success in competition could lead to more customers for the company and so the team designed the FWA, a Feather Weight engine for Automobiles.

In 1955, the first Climax engines began to appear in Formula One in the back of Cooper chassis. Initially, these were FWBs but the FPF engine followed. Stirling Moss scored the company's first Formula One victory, in Argentina in 1958, using a 2-litre version of the engine. In general terms, however, the engines were not powerful enough to compete with the 2.5-litre machinery and it was not until the 2.5-litre version of the FPF arrived in 1959 that Jack Brabham was able to win the world championship in a Cooper-Climax. (en.wikipedia.org/Coventry Climax)

Owen Richard Maddock (24 July 1925 – 19 July 2000) was a British engineer and racing car designer, who was chief designer for the Cooper Car Company between 1950 and 1963. During this time Maddock designed a string of successful racing cars, including the Formula One World Championship-winning Cooper T51 and T53 models.

Almost immediately the T43 design was replaced by the Mark III version of the "Formula Two" chassis. Maddock and the Coopers upgraded the existing design by switching the front suspension for an improved double wishbone suspension arrangement with coilover shock absorbers, in place of the older cars' transverse leaf spring design. New step-up gears in the transaxle allowed Maddock to lower the engine (now including Climax's stretched 2,207 cc (134.7 cu in) FPF in the works Formula One car), reducing the centre of gravity of the new Cooper T45 (Mark III) by mounting the dry-sump engine much lower. Maddock credited this particular innovation to Jack Brabham, who received the suggestion from his Australian friend, Ron Tauranac.  Brabham and Cooper contributed other detail improvements, but Maddock left the fundamental chassis frame virtually unaltered from the T43. The T45 was immediately successful. In the hands of Maurice Trintignant, Rob Walker's new T45 won the very next World Championship round, the 1958 Monaco Grand Prix. (en.wikipedia.org/OwenMaddock)

官方明信片犯了两个错误。 那场比赛没有3号赛车。 赛车的颜色也不正确。 正确的颜色是英国赛车绿色。 在接下来的十多年里,英国赛车和车手在F1中占主导地位,绿色赛车赢得了大部分比赛。

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 楼主| 发表于 2019-9-7 05:43 | 显示全部楼层
1960年摩納哥大奖赛由斯特林·莫斯(Stirling Moss)驾驶蓮花Lotus-Climax 18獲勝。

科林·查普曼(英语:Anthony Colin Bruce Chapman,CBE,1928年5月19日-1982年12月16日)是一位頗具影響力的英國設計工程師,汽車行業的發明家和建設者,以及蓮花汽車的創始人。



斯特林·克劳福德·莫斯爵士,OBE(英语:Sir Stirling Craufurd Moss,1929年9月17日-),英格兰F1车手。斯特林·莫斯也是国际赛车名人堂的一员。莫斯在多种赛车赛事中都取得了成功,他常被形容为“未赢得F1车手世界冠军的最伟大的车手(the greatest driver never to win the World Championship)” (en.wikipedia.org/斯特林·莫斯)

Lotus 18 was the first mid-engined car built by Lotus and had remarkably good handling with a unique suspension system which drastically reduced weight transfer and body roll in cornering. Shortly, the Lotus 18 was proving to be faster than any car Grand Prix racing had ever seen, eclipsing even the legendary Auto Unions and being widely copied.

Lotus 18 took Lotus' first F1 victory, by Innes Ireland in the non-championship Glover Trophy, on 8 April 1960. Its first World Championship win happened six weeks later, on 29 May, albeit by privateer Rob Walker, who leased the car from Chapman. Driven by Stirling Moss the car took a dominant win at the 1960 Monaco Grand Prix. It was an early taste of things to come. Moss also won the United States Grand Prix at the end of the season helping Lotus finish second in the constructors' championship. (en.wikipedia.org/Lotus 18)

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 楼主| 发表于 2019-9-7 05:45 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 ngsunyu 于 2019-9-7 05:49 编辑

1961年摩納哥大奖赛由斯特林·莫斯(Stirling Moss)驾驶蓮花Lotus-Climax 18獲勝。

Stirling Moss repeated his 1960 win in a legendary race at Monaco the following year, beating off the more powerful and faster 'sharknose' Ferraris. He then won at the fearsome Nürburgring in changeable weather, while Innes Ireland took a third win in the USA to help Lotus finish second in the constructors' championship in 1961. The Lotus 18 was also notable for giving Jim Clark his first Grand Prix start in 1960.

The Belgian Grand Prix at Spa in 1960 was notable for Moss's accident in the Rob Walker 18 in practice which kept him from the race when he left the track in his 18 apparently following a bird strike in the face. (en.wikipedia.org/Lotus 18)

In 1961, there was a new 1.5-litre formula and the FPF engine was given a new lease on life, although the company began work on a V8 engine, designated the FWMV, and this began winning races in 1962 with Jim Clark. There were a total of 22 Grand Prix victories before 1966 with crossplane, flatplane, two- and four-valve versions of the FWMV. When the new, 3-litre, formula was introduced, Coventry Climax decided not to build engines for the new formula and withdrew from racing after the unsuccessful FWMW project. (en.wikipedia.org/Coventry Climax)

这两枚是我能找到唯一的1961年摩納哥大獎賽的 斯特林·莫斯(Stirling Moss)的第20号 蓮花Lotus-Climax  18的明信片。谁可以找到这两枚明信片? 我们需要明信片因为在1929年摩纳哥大奖赛庆祝一百周年。

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 楼主| 发表于 2019-9-17 00:05 | 显示全部楼层
1962年摩納哥大奖赛由布鲁斯·迈凯伦(Bruce McLaren)驾驶庫珀Cooper-Climax T60獲勝。

布鲁斯·莱斯利·麦克拉伦(英语:Bruce Leslie McLaren,1937年8月30日-1970年6月2日)是一位新西兰籍赛车设计师、賽車手、工程师和发明家。


Bruce McLaren won the 1962 Monaco Grand Prix, eventually finishing a fine third in the championship that year. The next year, he founded Bruce McLaren Motor Racing Ltd, which remains in the Formula One championship simply as McLaren. McLaren continued to race and win in Coopers (including the New Zealand GP in 1964).

Bruce McLaren left Cooper at the end of 1965, and announced his own GP racing team, with co-driver and fellow Kiwi Chris Amon. Amon left in 1967 to drive for Ferrari. In 1968, McLaren was joined by another fellow Kiwi Denny Hulme, who had become world champion in 1967 with Brabham. McLaren took his fourth career win racing his own McLaren car at Spa in 1968, achieving the team's first Grand Prix win. Hulme won twice in the McLaren-Ford. (en.wikipedia.org/Bruce McLaren)

Once every Formula car manufacturer began building rear-engined racers, the practicality and intelligent construction of Cooper's single-seaters was overtaken by more sophisticated technology from Lola, Lotus, BRM, and Ferrari. The Cooper team's decline was accelerated when John Cooper was seriously injured in a road accident in 1963 driving a twin-engined Mini, and Charles Cooper died in 1964. (en.wikipedia.org/Cooper Car Company)

这枚是我能找到唯一的1962年摩納哥大獎賽的布鲁斯·迈凯伦(Bruce McLaren) 的第14号 庫珀Cooper-Climax T60 的明信片。谁可以找到这枚明信片? 我们需要明信片因为在1929年摩纳哥大奖赛庆祝一百周年。


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 楼主| 发表于 2019-9-18 01:01 | 显示全部楼层
1964年摩納哥大奖赛由格拉汉姆·希尔(Graham Hill)驾驶不列颠车队 B.R.M. P 261獲勝。

British Racing Motors (BRM) was a British Formula One motor racing team. Founded in 1945 and based in the market town of Bourne in Lincolnshire, it participated from 1951 to 1977, competing in 197 grands prix and winning seventeen. BRM won the constructors' title in 1962 when its driver Graham Hill became world champion. In 1963, 1964, 1965 and 1971, BRM came second in the constructors' competition. (en.wikipedia.org/British Racing Motors)

The BRM P261, also known as the BRM P61 Mark II, is a Formula One motor racing car, designed and built by the British Racing Motors team in Bourne, Lincolnshire, England. The BRM P261 was introduced for the 1964 Formula One season, and its design was an evolution of Tony Rudd's one-off BRM P61 car of 1963.

Colin Chapman's monocoque Lotus 25 of 1962 had put the writing on the wall for older spaceframe chassis designs, and most other Formula One constructors hurriedly started work on their own monocoque cars. The BRM P261 was British Racing Motors's first fully monocoque chassis.

Despite the rather interim nature of its engine and chassis configuration, on its World Championship debut at the 1964 Monaco Grand Prix the BRM P261 had the best of starts. Although Hill and team-mate Richie Ginther only managed to qualify in third and eighth places, respectively, in the race Hill set fastest lap, and the two P261s finished first and second. It was the first of Hill's five victories on the Côte d'Azure.

During the course of their front-line career BRM P261s won six World Championship races, in the hands of works drivers Graham Hill and Jackie Stewart, and finished second in both the Drivers' and Constructors' Championship standings in 1964 and 1965. In terms of races won and total Championship points scored, the P261 was the most successful car in BRM's history. (en.wikipedia.org/BRM P261)

诺曼·格雷厄姆·希尔,OBE(英语:Norman Graham Hill,1929年2月15日-1975年11月29日)是一位来自英国英格兰的赛车手和车队老板,他两次赢得一級方程式世界冠军,他也是唯一一位在勒芒24小时耐力赛、印第安纳波利斯500和一級方程式中都取得冠军的车手。

格拉汉姆·希尔 被稱為摩納哥先生(Mr Monaco),因為他在1960年代赢得了5次冠軍(1963-1965,1968,1969)。

他在1966至1974年间参演了包括《Grand Prix》在内的4部电影。(zh.wikipedia.org/诺曼·格拉汉姆·希尔)  

这枚是我能找到唯一的1964年摩納哥大獎賽的格拉汉姆·希尔 (Graham Hill) 的第8号 不列颠车队 B.R.M. P 261的明信片。谁可以找到这枚明信片? 我们需要明信片因为在1929年摩纳哥大奖赛庆祝一百周年。


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 楼主| 发表于 2019-9-18 01:05 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 ngsunyu 于 2019-9-18 01:24 编辑


Vanwall  [1] withdrew from F1 after 1961, but in its place were to come a series of dominant British Grand Prix teams, making British racing green the “official” color of F1 for a more than a decade — and ushering in an era of British F1 engineering excellence that extends to today. Between 1962 and 1973, British Formula One teams won 12 World Championships with drivers the likes of Scots Jim Clark [2] and Jackie Stewart [3][4], Australian Jack Brabham, Englishman Graham Hill [5][6] and New Zealander Denny Hulme. It started in 1959-60 with the Cooper team [7], using a 2,500 cc Coventry-Climax engine and a new iteration of their astonishingly innovative rear-engine design, coupled with front-mounted radiator, which captured back-to-back F1 titles for Jack Brabham with a combination of superb weight distribution and handling. (Driving a “works” Cooper along with Brabham to second place in the 1960 World Championship was young New Zealander Bruce McLaren [8] — whose real fame, like Enzo Ferrari, came later as a team owner.) Every F1 World Champion since has been sitting in front of his engine.

Yet it was Colin Chapman’s Team Lotus [2][9], pushed by his engineering brilliance, that dominated the second decade of Formula One. Chapman’s mustache and blue cloth cap — which he threw into the air at trackside whenever Lotus won a race — would become familiar at circuits around the world. He was a constant source of technical innovation, and it is fair to say that Chapman did more than anyone else to change motor racing worldwide. He realized that for racing cars, reliability meant increased weight and lost speed, so there was an advantage in making cars so light they would be at the point of mechanical failure by the end of a race. All too often this meant that Lotus F1 cars collapsed a few miles too early; but when they didn’t, they were unsurpassed. Beginning in 1960 with Moss and Innes Ireland, Lotus thrived on the extraordinary relationship between Chapman and his prodigy driver, Jim Clark[2], who was to make the most of Lotus’ technical advances for F1 cars. The most important of these was the monocoque (or one-piece) chassis, introduced with the Lotus 25 in 1962, which along with rear engines marked the second watershed technological change in Formula One. By reclining the drivers’ position, Chapman was also able to reduce the car’s cross-section, hence aerodynamic drag. Shortly later, Chapman would take things a step further, bolting Coventry-Climax and then Ford Cosworth engines to the rear of his Lotus’ monocoques and hanging the suspension off of them, thus transforming the engine into a stressed member of the car’s chassis itself. Those same three features continue as the fundamental basis of Formula One car design to this day. (The British Era | Formula One Art & Genius)

[1]请参看一级方程式赛车(Formula One,简称F1): 英国赛车手与车队英雄榜第二和第三楼。
[2]请参看一级方程式赛车(Formula One,简称F1): 英国赛车手与车队英雄榜第十八楼。
[3]请参看一级方程式赛车(Formula One,简称F1): 英国赛车手与车队英雄榜第十九楼。
[4]请参看摩納哥大獎賽 (Grand Prix de Monaco) 第六楼。
[5]请参看一级方程式赛车(Formula One,简称F1): 英国赛车手与车队英雄榜第四,第五和第六楼。
[6]请参看摩納哥大獎賽 (Grand Prix de Monaco) 第五和二十七楼。
[7]请参看摩納哥大獎賽 (Grand Prix de Monaco) 第二十三和二十六楼。
[8]请参看摩納哥大獎賽 (Grand Prix de Monaco) 第二十六楼。
[9]请参看摩納哥大獎賽 (Grand Prix de Monaco) 第二十四和二十五楼。
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 楼主| 发表于 2020-11-8 00:11 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 ngsunyu 于 2020-11-8 00:12 编辑

尼基·劳达(德語:Andreas Nikolaus "Niki" Lauda,1949年2月22日-2019年5月20日)是奥地利传奇赛车手。他曾经在1975、1977及1984年三度夺得一级方程式世界车手冠军。(zh.wikipedia.org/尼基·劳达)



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 楼主| 发表于 2020-11-8 00:15 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 ngsunyu 于 2020-11-8 00:18 编辑

法拉利奪得過16次車隊世界冠軍。1975~1977 年法拉利连赢 了 3次車隊世界冠軍。

The Ferrari 312T series (312T, 312T2, 312T2B, 312T3, 312T4, 312T5) won 27 races, four Constructors' and three Drivers' Championships, making it the most successful car in the history of F1.  
Ferrari 312T won 9 races, 6 races in 1975, 3 races in 1976.
Ferrari 312T2 won 3 races in 1976.
Niki Lauda won 5 races in 1975, 5 races in 1976.

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 楼主| 发表于 2020-11-8 00:16 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 ngsunyu 于 2020-11-8 00:20 编辑

1975年 摩納哥大奖赛优胜车手  尼基·劳达驾驶着 法拉利 312T #12 与 1974 年 F1车手世界冠军 埃默森·菲蒂帕尔迪 (Emerson Fittipaldi) 驾驶着邁凱倫車隊M23 #1。

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