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发表于 2012-8-28 11:54 | 只看该作者 |只看大图 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 钟玉龙 于 2014-2-4 18:05 编辑

      由广东省集邮协会理事、广东省集邮协会学术委员、潮州市集邮协会学术委员会主任钟玉龙先生主编的国内唯一研究外国极限集邮的专业刊物——《外国极限》创办于1993年5月,已出版合订本(1993-1996)(1997-2000)(2001-2005)三大册,集邮泰斗郭润康先生、已故集邮家孔浩鸿的、美国极限集邮家Terry Watson、外邮专家王清的及国内极限集邮界精英郭胜、朱炳荣、刘运忠、冯赐杭、杜永凯、杨鸣、钟润森、倪双来等提供的极限邮文为《外国极限》增色。现已再出版《外国极限》合订本(2006-2011),16开一百页,四封彩页珍藏版,收录从2006年至2011年全部正刊文章,内有美国极限集邮研究会会长Terry Watson的专稿、国内极限集邮界精英郭胜、刘运忠等提供的极限邮文以及钟玉龙主编翻译的FIP极限集邮展品评审专用规则(最新版)、FIP极限集邮类展品评审指导要点(最新版)等文章多篇,大部分邮文是由钟先生本人撰写和翻译(他的文章经常被中国权威集邮刊物《集邮》《中国集邮报》《集邮博览》等刊载),《中国集邮报》和《集邮博览》曾辟专版详细全面介绍《外国极限》,《外国极限》还多次在全国文献展览获奖,并曾评为“十佳民刊”。

 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-28 11:56 | 只看该作者

外国极限(06-11)封2.jpg (53.02 KB, 下载次数: 291)

 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-28 11:57 | 只看该作者

外国极限(06-11)封3.jpg (59.57 KB, 下载次数: 305)

 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-28 11:57 | 只看该作者

外国极限(06-11)封底.jpg (74.48 KB, 下载次数: 281)

 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-28 15:39 | 只看该作者
         第55期——第78期                  (2006-2011)
第55期 极限集邮学构建可行性研究....................................................钟玉龙
        师生同绘佳人,名作巧铸和谐.......................................... (昆明)刘运忠
第56期  在第27届全国最佳邮票(票品)评选及全国获奖邮集精品展
第57期  帽子专题极限邮集.....................................................................钟玉龙编译

第58期  美国奇观(英文稿)..................................................Terry Watson(美国)
第59期  美国奇观.........................................................................................钟玉龙译
         FIP极限集邮新规则中“variant”的理解及翻译...................... 钟玉龙
        早期MC片票戳三者和谐的典范:德国和巴勒斯坦两国首枚极限            片........................................................................................................................ 钟玉龙
第60期  FIP极限集邮规则中的“Concordance”VS“和谐一致”..............钟玉龙
        伊拉克和黎巴嫩第一枚极限片:各贴两枚邮票的古典片........ ................钟玉龙         
第61期  FIP极限集邮展品评审专用规则(最新版)............................... 钟玉龙译
     奇幻多姿蓝色调 尽显夫人高雅美.......................................... (昆明)刘运忠
第62期  FIP极限集邮类展品评审指导要点(最新版)............................钟玉龙译
 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-28 15:43 | 只看该作者
第63期  斯芬克司极限片猎珍........................................................................ 钟玉龙
        潜心翻译极限集邮文献——韩师老师钟玉龙研究成果受好评....... 韩讯         
        2007极限集邮二三事.............................................................. 钟玉龙      
第64期 源于生活的外国雕塑艺术...................................................  钟玉龙              
第65期 极限邮集《药用植物》评析..............................................................  钟玉龙        
第66期  参观邮展与极限集邮情缘..................... 钟玉龙                                 
      奇幻多姿蓝色调   巧绘夫人高雅美.....................刘运忠译                              
第 67期  《桥梁》极限邮集降级为大银奖后的启示........................  钟玉龙                     
    世界遗产-法国巴黎巴黎塞纳河畔极限片 .......................本刊辑                             
第 68期  从北京世展到洛阳世展看极限类展品变化........钟玉龙                        
      古代埃及三雄.............................. 郭胜                                                
第 69期 潮州邮协大换届 本刊主编倚重任......本刊特邀记者                           
         西班牙绘画大师委拉斯凯兹与《宮娥》极限片........ 本刊编辑               
         世界早期极限片........................ 本刊供                                             
第70期 寻找极限集邮生活中的兴奋点.................钟玉龙                                 
 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-28 15:44 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 钟玉龙 于 2012-8-28 17:13 编辑

第71期      钟玉龙的《外国极限》合订本获奖.............................................韩邮
            潮州广济桥之中英文 ............................................................钟玉龙译
第72期  感觉是极限集邮的最高境界.............................................................钟玉龙
第73期  极限集邮四盘菜........................................钟玉龙

第74期  岁月留痕 极限留迹——中年极限集邮感悟.................钟玉龙
第75期  我和美国极限集邮家丹尼尔·沃森的极限情缘.............................钟玉龙

第76期 美国早期极限片.................................................................................钟玉龙

第77期 汕头经济特区成立30周年集邮展览极限类展品印象...........韩讯
       从极限片中领略秋天的收获.............................. 钟玉龙
第78期 美国首任总统、国父乔治·华盛顿极限片...................钟玉龙
 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-28 15:58 | 只看该作者
FIP极限集邮展品评审专用规则(最新版) 钟玉龙译
第1条 竞赛级展览
第2条 竞赛级展品
第3条 展品组成原则
3.1 邮票
3.2 图画明信片
3.3 邮戳
3.4 展品分类
   a) 国家或国家群
   b) 专门课题和/或研究
   c) 专题
   3.5 纲要
   第4条 展品的评审标准
   第5条 展品评定
   5.1 极限集邮类展品由该领域公认的专家并依照总规则第5章第31—46条进行评审(参见总规则第5条第1款)。
   5.2 对于极限集邮类展品,规定以下打分标准以引导评审团进行均衡评审(参见总规则第5条第2款)。
   展品的处理和重要性   30分
   知识和研究           35分
   品相和珍罕性         30分
   外观                  5分
     6.1 如译文产生歧义,以英文文本为准。
    6.2 本项关于FIP集邮展览极限集邮类展品评审专用规则已于2006年10月14日在马拉加举行的FIP大会上通过,并于2007年3月卢森堡举行的FIP理事会批准。
 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-28 16:00 | 只看该作者
FIP极限集邮类展品评审指导要点(最新版)                  钟玉龙译
  2.1  极限集邮展品只能由极限明信片组成。
2.2  其各组成要素的质量和这些要素间的和谐一致为极限明信片成为“适合集邮展品素材”限制条件((参见总规则第3条第1款)。
  3.1 邮票
  3.2 图画明信片
  3.3 邮戳
  3.4 展品分类
  a) 国家或国家群展品包括用一国或在地理、历史或文化有密切联系的国家群发行邮票制成的极限明信片。除了传统展品可以限制在一个阶段外,,一般应避免按邮票发行时间顺序来展示。
  b) 专门课题和/或研究展品根据参展者的选题,既可按照极限明信片的组成要素,也可按照不同角度的和谐一致,或二者兼之有之,或按一个特殊阶段。
  3.5  纲要
   4.1 极限集邮展品根据FIP集邮展览竞赛级展品评审总规则第4条和FIP极限集邮展品评审专用规则评审。
   4.2 展品的处理和重要性
   4.3 知识和研究
   共35分,其中知识20分,研究 15分。
 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-28 16:01 | 只看该作者
   共30分,其中珍罕性20分,品相 10分。
  B.1946年至1978年——1978年为FIP首次采纳“极限明信片规则” 的时间
  4.5 外观
 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-28 17:21 | 只看该作者
FIP FEDERATION INTERNATIONALE DE PHILATELIE Fondée en 1926 COMMISSION FOR MAXIMAPHILY SPECIAL REGULATIONS FOR THE EVALUATION OF MAXIMAPHILY EXHIBITS AT F.I.P. EXHIBITIONS (SREV) Malaga, October 12, 2006 Article 1: Competitive exhibitions These special regulations have been drawn up in accordance with article 1.5 of the “General regulations of the FIP for the evaluation of competitive exhibits at FIP exhibitions (GREV)” to supplement those principles with regard to Maximaphily. Also refer to “Guidelines for judging Maximaphily exhibits”. Article 2: Competitive exhibits The maximum cards should conform to the principles of maximum possible concordance between: a) The postage stamp b) The picture of the postcard c) The cancellation. Article 3: Principles of exhibit composition The constituent elements of maximum cards should conform to the following characteristics: 3.1. The postage stamp It must be valid for postage and affixed only on the view side of the picture postcard. Postage-due stamps, pre-cancels, revenue stamps, stamps violating the "UPU (Universal Postal Union) philatelic code of ethics", are not allowed, nor are official stamps, except those, which are at the disposal of the public (United Nations, UNESCO, Council of Europe,...). The postage stamps which are cut out from postal stationery are allowed only if the issuing postal service permits their use. 3.2. The picture postcard Its size must conform to dimensions accepted by the “Universal Postal Convention”. However, postcards of square or rectangular shape available on the market are accepted, provided that their size allows them to be laid out on a sheet to the A4 format (210 x 297 mm) at a rate of two per sheet. Out of respect for its designer,it is strictly prohibited to reduce the size of a postcard by cutting it. The picture must offer the best possible concordance with the subject of the postage stamp or with one of them, if there are several. All postcards fully reproducing the postage stamp, that is to say with perforation, face value, country name, are forbidden. The picture must emphasize the subject of the postage stamp. The postcards on the market are accepted as they are. They can have margins and a text directly connected with the subject. Old postcards can have on the view side an area for correspondence. With the exception of these old postcards, the larger the picture is, the better the quality of the maximum card is considered to be. Postcards with multiple pictures as well as ones with holograms are forbidden. 3.3. The cancellation The cancellation must be printed exclusively by the authorized postal service. The pictorial
 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-28 17:21 | 只看该作者
design of the cancellation and/or the text, as well as the place of cancellation (name of the Post office) should have a connection with the subject of the postage stamp and of the picture postcard, or with the purpose of the issue (event, charitable activity, theme of the series). However cancellations made by philatelic services are accepted provided that the concordance of place is respected. Cancellations made by the philatelic service of small countries with only the country name are allowed. The closer the connection is between the subject and the picture and/or the text of a pictorial cancellation, the better is the concordance. The ordinary cancellations without illustration are valid provided that the concordance of the place is respected. The cancellation must be carried out within the period of validity of the postage stamp and as close as possible to the date of issue. 3.4. Classification of the exhibits Maximaphily exhibits can be classified by: a) Country or group of countries b) Specialized field or study c) Theme. 3.5. Plan In the introductory statement, the title and the plan form a whole, in perfect concordance with the material shown (reference GREV, article 3.3). The concept, the structure and the development of the exhibit should be clearly defined. Article 4: Criteria for evaluating exhibits The evaluation of the exhibits at FIP exhibitions is carried out according to well defined general criteria(reference GREV, article 4). For Maximaphily exhibits, special significance is given to the knowledge and the maximum possible concordance shown (refer to guidelines). Article 5: Judging of exhibits 5.1. Maximaphily exhibits are judged by the approved specialists in the Maximaphily class and in accordance with section V, articles 31 to 46 of GREX (reference GREV, article 5.1.). 5.2. For Maximaphily exhibits, the following relative terms are presented to lead the jury to a balanced evaluation (reference GREV, article 5.2.). - Treatment and extent of the exhibit 30 - Knowledge and research 35 - Condition and rarity 30 - Presentation 5 ------ 100 Article 6: Concluding provisions 6.1. In the event of any discrepancies in the text arising from translation, the English text shall prevail. 6.2. These “Special regulations for the evaluation of Maximaphily exhibits at FIP exhibitions” have been unanimously accepted by the FIP Maximaphily Commission Conference held in Malaga on October 12, 2006 and submitted for approval to FIP Bureau.
 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-28 17:23 | 只看该作者
1. Competitive exhibitions The present guidelines complete the general regulations (GREV) and the special regulations (SREV) to help the jury in the evaluation and the exhibitors in the elaboration of Maximaphily exhibits. 2. Competitive exhibits 2.1. A Maximaphily exhibit is exclusively composed of maximum cards. 2.2. The quality of the constituent elements and the concordance between these elements give the maximum card the qualification of "appropriate philatelic material" (GREV, art.3.1.). 3. Principles of exhibit composition The constituent elements should conform to the following conditions, in addition to those provided in SREV article 3: 3.1. The postage stamp - It must be in perfect condition. - Only one postage stamp should be affixed on the view side of the picture postcard. Before 1978, when the “International statute of Maximaphily” was approved, maximum cards showing several postage stamps are tolerated, if one or more of those are concordant with the picture on the postcard. - In the case where a postage stamp has multiple, secondary or partial subjects, each subject must as far as possible, be dealt with separately. - The postage stamp (or the souvenir sheet it belongs to, if it is stuck on the postcard) must not exceed a quarter of the postcard area. - When the same subject is spread out on several se-tenant stamps making a panorama, the set can appear on a single postcard. However, when a subject is isolated on one of the se-tenant stamps only the one on which the treated subject is illustrated should be affixed to the postcard. - The use of an illustrated postal prepayment impression dispensed by automatic vending machines, affixed on the view side of the postcard, is allowed. - In general, abstract or symbolic subjects do not suit Maximaphily and are excluded from its field. 3.2. The picture postcard - The picture postcard should be as far as possible on sale before the issue of the postage stamp. Or,if it has been published specially, it should reproduce a pre-existing document. - Only square and rectangular formats are allowed; all others are excluded. - The following items cannot be used for maximum cards: collages, cut-outs, private photographs on photo paper, color or black and white photocopies, photo-montages, drawings, documents specially devised for the stamp issue to be printed privately on photo paper thanks to a computer. 3.3. The cancellation - The cancellation giving the name of the post office as well as the date must be legible. It must be whole and tie the postage stamp to the postcard. This applies to hand-stamped cancellations as well as to machine cancellations.
 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-28 17:24 | 只看该作者
- Non-illustrated cancellations are acceptable on condition that the concordance of place is respected. 3.4. Classification of the collections a) The collections by country or group of countries include maximum cards created with stamps issued by one country or by a group of countries having geographical, historical or cultural links. Generally the chronological order of the issues should be avoided, except for traditional exhibits limited to one period. b) The specialized and/or study collections are based, according to the exhibitor's choice, either on the constituent elements of the maximum card, or on the different concordances, or on both, or on a specific period. c) The thematic collections include maximum cards related to one theme. They are limited neither in space nor in time. In these three types of collections the so-called "variant maximum cards” can be simultaneously shown, that is to say maximum cards with the same postage stamp affixed on different postcards, with different cancellations, but always observing the rules of concordance. If the collection does not deal only with variant maximum cards, their number must be limited, in order not to show an imbalance in the exhibit or a lack of material. Two variant maximum cards per exhibition frame are considered as a maximum. A different date on the cancellation of the same date-stamp is not sufficient to make a variant maximum card. 3.5. Plan The collection must be preceded by a plan on a single page. It must describe the contents of the collection and clearly show the leading idea. It must be logical, well-balanced and in accordance with the chosen subject and title. It must be divided into chapters. A mere table of contents or a literal description cannot be regarded as a satisfactory plan. It must be written in one of the official FIP languages. 4. Criteria for evaluating exhibits 4.1.Maximaphily exhibits are judged according to article 4 of the “General regulations of the FIP for the evaluation of competitive exhibits at FIP-exhibitions (GREV)” and in accordance with the “Special regulations of the FIP for the evaluation of Maximaphily exhibits at FIP exhibitions (SREV)”. 4.2. Treatment and importance of the exhibit A total of 30 points is allotted, 20 for the treatment and 10 for the importance. The treatment and the development of an exhibit deals with following points: - A good concordance between the title, the plan and the contents of the exhibit. - A logical and judicious classification of the maximum cards, well adapted to the leading idea of the plan. - The written explanations should be concise, and give some supplementary information about the elements and/or the concordances. The importance of the exhibit is linked to the difficulty of the development of the chosen theme, according to the material known and the narrowness of the treated theme. 4.3. Knowledge and research A total of 35 points is allotted, 20 for the knowledge and 15 for the research. The exhibitor being judged by the way he/she has selected the maximum cards of his/her collection, his/her exhibit should clearly demonstrate his/her knowledge of the chosen theme,
 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-28 17:25 | 只看该作者
of the postage stamps, of the postal markings and also of the picture postcards when necessary. - The knowledge of postage stamps is judged according to the interest of the comments (purpose and date of issue, type, printing, variety, date of the end of validity ...) - The knowledge of postal markings covers the types of cancellations, the period of use, and the justification of the use of the cancellation (place, illustration, text …). All attempts to improve the aspect of a cancellation after the postal authorities have applied it will be considered as falsification. - The knowledge of picture postcards is judged according to its concordance with the subject of the postage stamp, its quality and the rarity of the edition. The research in Maximaphily is based on the observance of the three concordances: of subject, of place and of time. • The concordance of subject is the essential characteristic of a real maximum card. This concordance between the illustration of the postage stamp and the one of the picture postcard must be as close as possible and visually verifiable. • The concordance of place requires a connection between the name of the place or the locality written in the postmark and the subject of the postage stamp and of the postcard. The "first day cancellation" can only be used when it is in accordance with the above-mentioned condition. - For monuments, landscapes and sites there is only one place that gives the required concordance. It is the one where the monument, the landscape or the site is located. If the place has no post office,the one serving that site should be selected or the one of the nearest place. - When the subject is a personality the cancellation should be made in a place in connection with an event which concerns him/or her: birth, death, burial, work or aspect of his/her activity, posthumous homage etc. When the postage stamp commemorates explicitly one of these events, cancellation of the place where it happened is better. - In the case where the postage stamp commemorates an event, the cancellation should be made in a place related to it. - When the postage stamp shows for instance a plane, a train or a ship, the cancellation should be made in a place where there is an airport, a railway station, a port or an on-board post office related to the subject. - The maximum cards showing sporting activities are better if they are cancelled in places where these sports are practiced. - The maximum cards showing works of art such as paintings, sculptures, mosaics, enamels, leaded glass windows, frescoes, tapestries, and, generally, all objects in museums or collections, should be cancelled either in the place where they are to be found, or in the place where they were created. Cancellations of other places are allowed on the occasion of local exhibitions and other events if they are in connection with the work (signature or portrait of the artist, portrait of the model etc.). Nevertheless, in judging exhibits about "works of art ", considering their universal nature, the jury should allow the cancellation of the issuing country. However, in the case where the same work of art is shown on postage stamps of different countries, the maximum card with the stamp and the cancellation of the country where this work of art is to be found will be better.
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