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格拉纳达(西班牙语:Granada) 阿兰布拉宫 狮子庭院(Patio de los Leones)

发表于 2014-7-31 09:02 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 ngsunyu 于 2014-8-6 04:55 编辑

统治格拉纳达的奈斯尔王朝(Nasrid dynasty)的第一代统治者穆罕穆德一世(Mohammed I ibn Nasr)修建了阿兰布拉宫,因穆罕穆德被称为“红人之子”,这座宫殿又叫作“红宫”。其作為伊斯兰教世俗建筑与造园技艺完美结合的建筑名作以及阿拉伯式宫殿庭院建筑的优秀代表,1984年被选入联合国教科文组织世界文化遗产名录之中。

狮子庭院(Patio de los Leones),长28米宽16米,周围一圈都是柱子,总共有124根。中间是12头石狮子驮起的水池。池子向四方向引出四条小渠,代表四条河名为水河、乳河、酒河、蜜河。(http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/阿兰布拉宫)

极限片图请链接 http://www.apmaxima.com/?gallery ... ra-in-granada-spain 因于上传问题

I waited three long years for this postmark! The circular stamp
actually was issued 12/5/2011. At that time the only postmark
available was Madrid. Of course I sent one to Granada knowing that it
will not come back with first day postmark (best scenerio) but it
never returned (worst scenerio). After almost three full years, Spain
issued another stamp with the same subject on 5/5/2014, albeit with an
ugly P stuck in the center. P is for Patrimonio (world heritage). It
is one of 6 stamps (each stamp with one letter from ESPANA). This time
both maximum cards were returned. This postmark can be used on the
2011 stamp because it did not have the inscription first day postmark
(Primer dia de Circulacion). The latter postmark is available too for
the 2014 stamp but I did not use it because it is too long across for
vertical postcard, OK for horizontal postcard though.
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