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老贴精选:ngsunyu《法国圣米歇尔山(Mont Saint-Michel)》

发表于 2009-2-17 17:22 | 显示全部楼层 |只看大图 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
圣米歇尔山(Mont Saint-Michel)是法国诺曼底附近,距海岸约1公里的岩石小岛。是法國旅遊勝地,也是教徒的朝聖地,山頂建有著名的圣米歇尔修道院。被聯合國教科文組織列為世界遺產。

小島呈圓錐形﹐周長 900米﹐由聳立的花崗岩構成。海拔 88 米﹐經常被大片沙岸包圍﹐僅漲潮時才成為島。古時為凱爾特人祭神的地方。公元 8世紀﹐圣米歇尔神父在島上最高處修建一座小教堂﹐奉獻給天使長米歇尔﹐成為朝聖中心﹐故稱米歇尔山。公元 969年在島頂上建造了本篤會隱修院。該島的全盛時期是哥特人統治時期。當時朝聖的人劇增。1211~1228年間在島北部又修建了一個以梅韋勒修道院為中心的 6座建築物﹐具有中古加洛林王朝古堡和古羅馬式教堂的風格。1469年法王路易十一在此制定了圣米歇尔王詔。18世紀起衰落。拿破侖在位時﹐教堂被破壞了一部分﹐修道院變成了監獄﹐直至1863年止。島上現還存有11世紀羅馬式中殿和15世紀哥特式唱詩班席﹑13~15世紀的部分城牆和哥特式修道院圍牆等。

聖馬洛海灣漲潮迅猛,每逢傍晚,大西洋的潮水有如萬馬奔騰般撲過來,將山邊的流沙淹沒,聖山頓時變成汪洋,蔚為奇觀。但十九世紀人們建築長堤連接圣米歇尔山後,水流受阻,潮水的起落在沙地留下大量淤泥和沉積物,久而久之地勢變高,島的形狀改變,海潮奇觀亦隨之消失。(http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E8 ... 7%E7%88%BE%E5%B1%B1)

The « Wonder of the Western World » forms a tower in the heart of an immense bay invaded by the highest tides in Europe.

It was at the request of the Archangel Michel « chief of the celestial militia » that Aubert, Bishop of Avranches built and consecrated a small church on the 16th October 709. In 966 a community of Benedictines settled on the rock at the request of the Duke of Normandy and the pre-Romanesque church was built before the year one thousand.

In the 11th century, the Romanesque abbey church was founded over a set of crypts where the rock comes to an apex, and the first monastery buildings were built up against its north wall.

In the 12th century, the Romanesque monastery buildings were extended to the west and south.

In the 13th century , a donation by the king of France, Philip Augustus , in the wake of his conquest of Normandy, enabled a start to be made on the Gothic section of the "Merveille ": two three-storey buildings, crowned by the cloister and the refectory.

In the 14th century, the Hundred Years War made it necessary to protect the abbey behind a set of military constructions, enabling it to hold out against a siege lasting 30 years.

In the 15th century, the Romanesque chancel of the abbey church, broken down in 1421 was replaced by the Gothic Flamboyant chancel.

With Rome and Saint Jacques de Compostelle, this great spiritual and intellectual centre, was one of the most important places of pilgrimage for the Medieval occident. For nearly one thousand years men, women and children went there by roads called « paths to paradise » hoping for the assurance of eternity, given by the Archangel of judgement « Peseur des ames ».

The Abbey was turned into a prison during the days of the French Revolution and Empire, and needed to be restored before the end of the 19th century.

With the celebration of the monastic's 1000th anniversary,in the year 1966 a religious community moved back to what used to be the abbatial dwellings, perpuating prayer and welcome the original vocation of this place. Friars and sisters from "Les Fraternités Monastiques de Jerusalem" have been ensuring a spiritual presence since the year 2001.

At the same time as the abbey was developping a village grew up from the Middle Age.It flourished on the south-east side of the rock surrounded by walls dated for the most part from the Hundred Years war.This village has always a commercial vocation.

UNESCO has classed the Mont Saint-Michel as a world heritage in 1979 and this mecca of tourism welcomes more than three million visitors a year. (http://www.ot-montsaintmichel.com/histoire_gb.htm)

 楼主| 发表于 2009-2-17 17:25 | 显示全部楼层

 楼主| 发表于 2009-2-17 17:27 | 显示全部楼层

 楼主| 发表于 2009-2-17 17:31 | 显示全部楼层

The Mount was connected to the mainland via a thin natural land bridge, which before modernization was covered at high tide and revealed at low tide. Thus, Mont Saint Michel gained a mystical quality, being an island half the time, and being attached to land the other: a tidal island.

The tides in the area shift quickly, and have been described by Victor Hugo as "à la vitesse d'un cheval au galop" or "as swiftly as a galloping horse". The tide actually comes in at one metre per second.

The tides can vary greatly, at roughly 14 metres between high and low water marks. Popularly nicknamed "St. Michael in peril of the sea" by mediaeval pilgrims making their way across the tidal flats, the mount can still pose dangers for visitors who avoid the causeway and attempt the hazardous walk across the sands from the neighbouring coast. The danger of drowning due to coastal tides after getting caught in quicksand continues to claim lives.

However, the insular character of the mount has been compromised by several developments. Over the centuries, the coastal flats have been polderised to create pasture. The coast south of the mount has thus encroached on the distance between the shore and the mount. The Couesnon River has been canalised, reducing the flow of water and thereby encouraging a silting-up of the bay. In 1879, the land bridge was fortified into a true causeway. This prevented the tide from scouring the silt round the mount. Now there are plans to remove the causeway and replace it with a bridge and shuttle.

On 16 June 2006, French Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin announced a

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 楼主| 发表于 2009-2-17 17:34 | 显示全部楼层

 楼主| 发表于 2009-2-17 17:37 | 显示全部楼层

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