本帖最后由 ngsunyu 于 2021-8-29 09:01 编辑
圣地亚哥-德孔波斯特拉大教堂(Catedral de Santiago de Compostela) 的圣门在圣雅各禧年才开啟。
每年的七月二十五日是聖雅各伯節,如果剛好這一天是星期日,那一年就是《聖雅各禧年 Año Santo Jacobeo 或 Ano Santo Xacobeo》,通常每 6-5-6-11 年會有一次。今年就是「聖雅各禧年」,不過,因為疫情,特別破例,把「聖雅各禧年」定為 2021-2022,也就是說, 明年 2022 還算是「聖雅各禧年」。(lichingwang-barcelonaguide.blogspot.com)
The Xacobeo, also known as the Holy Year, Jubilee Year, Xacobean Year or Jacobean Year, grants pilgrims who visit the tomb of the Apostle in the Cathedral of Santiago the possibility of obtaining a plenary indulgence or forgiveness of all sins. The Catholic Church calls it earning the Jubilee, something that can only be done in five cities in the world: Santiago de Compostela, Rome, Jerusalem, Santo Toribio and Caravaca de la Cruz.
The Xacobeo is celebrated every year in which the Day of the Saint James the Apostle (25 July) falls on a Sunday, as established by Pope Calixtus II in 1126, which coincides with the laying of the last stone of the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela. The Xacobeo is usually celebrated about 14 times each century.
This Compostela Holy Year will be more special. For the first time and because of Covid-19, it will be double. Pope Francis announced after the opening of the Holy Door that the Xacobeo 2021 also extends to 2022. Thus begins a Jacobean decade in which we can enjoy several consecutive Compostela Holy Years. The next Compostela Holy Year will be in 2027 and the next in 2032, following an annual cadence well known to all pilgrims: 6-5-6-11. (elcaminoconcorreos.com)
准备圣门邮票我买了九枚圣门明信片。大多数都太光滑了,只有两枚是可以接受的。但2021年西班牙圣雅各禧年(xacobeo) 邮票不是圣门。
2021年西班牙圣雅各禧年(xacobeo) 邮戳是圣门,但没有具体日期。 |